Male Chauvinism
Well, Not a nice topic for a blog eh!.. But what do I do? Early this morning, I logged in to facebook as usual.. There I saw the post " A Man is so restive to get married, but after marriage he never rests"... I am really annoyed and awed at the same time.. This is one topic which has been touched upon by every tom dick n Harry on earth, but yet, my blood boils when I see such messages.. I want to throw a challenge to every man in India. Let them leave the cosiness of their homes where they were born, Leave their friends behind, their life behind and start living with their wives.. Anyone upto the challenge? I dont think so. It is we, Women who have to leave our parents, our pets, our friends, our job at times and even our names most of the time to come and live in a house of strangers. Don't we learn to start loving these strangers? Make an effort to call that home ours and settle in so called marriage? Yet, it is men who compromise their lives in Marri...